Friday, March 30, 2012

Construction at 43 Abbey Road

* I don't know if it will work for everyone, but when I clicked on the picture, it enlarged it and I could go on to the next picture easily and it was a lot easier to see.**

Our new home, sweet home!  This is a "before" picture. 

Day One - March 26, 2012....The guys started digging by hand down to the footers at the foundation at the back of the house.   The plan is to replace the weeping tile and add stone and Delta wrap (plastic waterproofing material.)  Jeff removed the front porch as well on Monday.

Luke & AJ working hard once their schoolwork was done for the day.

Our friend, Emilio, helped dig, too.  What a nice sunny day

Tuesday, March 27th  - Olivia Faith even got in on the action!

Our friend, Alex, came to run the excavator on Wednesday.

Olivia having her Timbits as a reward for
being such a hard worker!  :-)

Look carefully!!  You can see Luke & AJ.

Friday - the weeping tile and Delta wrap is done and everything is backfilled!  This was a big project and was necessary for us to be able to finish the basement.  The boys are very excited about building their own rooms in the new house!